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FM036 | 2024-02-15  
Our first release of the year welcomes back label regular Rotciv. The striking artwork comes from Daniel Rajcsanyi.

This Brazilian sound wizard has become an underground mainstay over the last decade plus. His colourful sound arrives with vibrant synth work on the label. His love of arps always shines through in the rousing music he makes, and his occult vocals and ability to program minimal drums with maximal impact always shine through.

He kicks off this superb new EP with 'Freiheitzeit' which is a mystical dark disco sound fused with bumping house grooves. The synth details bring trippy colours, and the bassline drives things on. The brilliant 'Mythology' then gets more intense with analogue percussive layers and spoken word fragments next to shimmering hooks and future-facing bass that brings weight to the drums.

The intensity ramps up once more on 'Italo-Trance', which combines just those two things. The slapping hits and sleek drums have an 80s feel, while the chords are sure to get emotions flowing and hands in the air. Closer 'Strong & Heavy' then brings the most serrated synth lines of the lot - corrugated loops that ride rough over the cold drums as pulsing synths and smeared pads flesh things out in turbulent intergalactic fashion.

These are four dramatic and tense cuts filled with radiant cosmic energy.

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