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GU860 | 2023-09-08  
Extended Mix (4:45)
We love a cheeky party weapon at Glasgow Underground. One of our favourite guilty pleasures is the Todd Terje remix of Dolly Parton's "Jolene". We heard Kevin McKay drop it at a party last year, and it got us thinking about a version. It took us some time to track down the original a cappella (which is incredible, Dolly is a BOSS) and then, just as Kevin was about to test his mix at Superfeel, this killer version landed in our inbox, alongside a video of Gok Wan playing it to thousands of delighted fans at Glastonbury. So, instead of testing his remix, Kevin played the Freejak version, which had the place rocking. Since then, we have recreated everything, and you can now legally enjoy this wicked treat! Party central.

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