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KMGSG010 | 2023-03-31  
Electrifying. Care-free. Fun. Emotional. With his intentionally-crafted productions, US based producer 'actuallyme' seeks to embody the full scope of human emotion, melodically carried on uplifting beats. The multi-instrumentalist has dedicated his time throughout his life to creating music, learning from great minds and mentors across the southeast, honing his sound, and bringing his vision to life. Throughout the journey of his last project, he was able to travel the country, share the stage with influential producers, and perform in renowned spaces from coast to coast. Now, as actuallyme, the sky is the limit. He cannot wait to bring this long-time project to fruition, finally unveiling the music he feels he was born to share with the world.

Produced by actuallyme
Written by Joshua Stone
All instrumentation, programming and arrangement by Joshua Stone. Vocals by Mabelle. Remixes by Freddy Todd and Illanthropy.

& 2023 Duffnote Ltd
Published by Duffnote music/Bucks Bucks Group Ltd
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